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CSA Celebrates success of CAI Initiative

The Credit Services Association (CSA) is celebrating the tremendous progress of the Collector Accreditation Initiative (CAI), and its highly successful impact across the whole of the debt collection industry, as the first anniversary of the initiative approaches.

Serving as an official benchmark that enables both individual collectors and companies to demonstrate their understanding of – and compliance with – industry standards, the CAI has seen an impressively wide take-up with almost 100 companies and over 5000 individual collectors registered to take the test, and 54 companies having achieved full accreditation, all within its first year.

Sara de Tute, President of the CSA said:

“The swift adoption of the CAI by so many within its first year is highly encouraging and such a positive reception only makes more evident the enormous appetite that exists within the debt collection industry for a tangible and credible means not only of achieving compliance but of categorically proving that higher standards of compliance and knowledge are being attained.”

For full article see Debt Collection News