Debt Collection in Belarus

Debt Collection in Belarus

Debt Collection in Belarus

Belarus imports a lot of goods from the United Kingdom, making it one of the country’s most important trading partners. In 2020, Belarus imported $1.2 billion worth of UK goods, which was a dramatic increase from previous years.

Unfortunately, businesses in the UK often face issues regarding payment from non-paying clients in Belarus. When this happens, these companies can often run into even more issues when they attempt to recover the debt themselves.

International debt collection is typically more complicated than enforcing a debt in your own country. Factors such as the language spoken, time zones and Belarusian laws need to be considered.

Many businesses outsource the enforcement of debt to a professional. This is a sensible decision, as it allows them to focus on their core value-based tasks. Then, an expert debt collector handles the recovery.

Federal Management has provided international debt collection services since our openings in 2004. We have recovered millions of pounds worth of unpaid debt for countless UK businesses.

If you need an effective, low-cost solution for debt collection in Belarus, contact us now.

Debt Collection in Belarus | Get immediate help from our Experts

If you need help with the Recovery of Debt, our friendly team of Debt Collection Experts is happy to help you today,


Collecting a Debt in Belarus

For most in-house credit control teams, recovering an invoice from a determined debtor in the UK is often quite a challenge. For businesses that deal on an international level, it can be even more problematic when someone doesn’t pay.

With few enforcement options besides stoppage of services, credit control teams have little leverage over someone that has not paid. Many debtors will seemingly go to any length to avoid paying what they owe. Those that are based overseas will even take this to new lengths. They believe that they are immune from any prosecution simply because they are in another country.

Most businesses recognise that it is not prudent to continue to chase a debtor like this themselves and seek professional assistance. An expert debt collector will provide an effective service that enforces a debt.

There are many solutions available, but not all can provide a dedicated international solution. Sourcing an agency that has got a proven history of successful cases of debt collection in Belarus is critical.

Knowledge of local laws, rules and customs is needed. Without this, the case will not have a good chance of success.

In Belarus, there are 2 official languages, Belarusian and Russian. As well as this, there is a unique system of laws relating to debt recovery. The statute of limitation in Belarus is set at 3 years, half the time of the UK’s 6 year period.

In addition to this, there are many cultural differences as well as variations in how businesses operate. In the UK, payment terms are often set at either 30 or 60 days, This is different in Belarus, and these deviations can often lead to a great deal of confusion to the untrained.

Collecting a Debt in Belarus

Debt Collection in Belarus – Instructing Federal Management

Federal Management is often regarded as the UK’s leading commercial and international debt collection agency.

Over the course of our long history, we have created the worlds largest network of trusted debt recovery partners. Each is situated in a strategic location across the world, enabling us to recover money from virtually anywhere.

We have expert knowledge on the laws, customs and practices surrounding debt collection in any nation.

If you are looking for a solution for debt collection in Belarus, we can help. Speak with one of our friendly experts now for more information on how we can recover your money.

Debt Collection in Belarus | Get immediate help from our Experts

If you need help with the Recovery of Debt, our friendly team of Debt Collection Experts is happy to help you today,


Debt Collection in Belarus – Frequently Asked Questions

How long does debt collection in Belarus take?

An international debt collection agency like Federal Management will be able to recover your debt as quickly as possible. Some cases can require more work than others, but a skilled debt collector will provide swift and professional services. For more information, speak with one of our debt recovery experts now.

What is the process for collecting debts in Belarus?

Federal Management provides a comprehensive and effective debt collection process. Our experts have in-depth knowledge of the laws in local Belarus. This provides us with the means to provide the best service possible. Speak to one of our debt recovery experts now for a free pre-action assessment of your debt.

What is the statute of limitation in Belarus?

Belarus, like many other nations, has a limitation period regarding the enforcement of debt. In Belarus, this time frame can last for up to 3 years. However, it is common for special exceptions to be made depending on the circumstances. Contact us now for more information and see how we can help you.

What is the cost of debt collection in Belarus?

As with other service based solutions, the cost of debt recovery can vary. This depends on many factors, and each case must be examined individually. Federal Management operates the lowed commission rates available, with prices beginning from as little as 8%. For a free pre-action assessment and quote, speak to us now.

How successful is debt collection in Belarus?

Federal Management has an average success rate of 90% and above on all undisputed business debts. Our debt collection process has helped thousands of businesses recover millions of pounds worth of unpaid debt.