As UK unemployment figures continue to increase, Federal Management are helping businesses to buck the trend by improving cash flow through debt collection.
UK unemployment rose by 28,000 to 2.67 million during the three months to January, with the unemployment rate at 8.4%, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) with the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance increasing by 7,200 to 1.61 million in February.
The rise was the lowest increase of unemployment for almost a year.
Employment Minister Chris Grayling said:
“This is a more encouraging set of figures, with signs that the labour market is stabilising.”
One reason for the slow down in the rate of unemployment has been an improvement in cashflow that many companies are experiencing by utilising the services of Federal Management, the UK’s leading commercial debt collection agency. Federal Management vigorously and pro-actively pursue unpaid invoices and overdue accounts which then frees up the time of the companies to focus on sales and growth.
A spokesman for Federal Management said:
“As the slow recovery from the economic downturn continues, Federal Management are at the forefront of providing an essential business to business solution that allows companies to improve their cashflow and increase the potential for commercial growth. The time and money that thousands of businesses save on a daily basis allows them to continue to keep staffing levels high and, where possible, increase them to meet growing demand.”
Any business who is experiencing difficulty with a bad debt ledger, unpaid invoices or overdue accounts can speak to Federal Management to discuss how they are able to benefit from commercial debt collection by calling their New Business team directly on 0844 875 4022.