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Apollo Improves FastBatch Technology

Apollo Enterprise Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of web-based payment, debt collection and debt recovery technologies, today announced the launch of FastBatch™ as a standard feature of its TrueCollect™ integrated web collections solution. FastBatch™ combines the speed of real-time processing with the standardization of batch processing, thus delivering an ideal solution for major banks and other large financial institutions operating extensive legacy systems. “When it comes to the communications between our TrueCollect™ system and current systems, our major banking clients have been challenging us to devise ever-increasing levels of compliance, security and flexibility. FastBatch™ meets these challenges head on, thus solidifying our position as the only company offering true real-time web collections,” stated Joseph Konowiecki, Apollo’s CEO. Konowiecki continued, “We feel that using FastBatch™ for real-time credit scores and profiles, and applying other rapid-delivery processes, makes TrueCollect™ the best technology to maximize recovery for our clients.”

About Apollo

Apollo is the leading provider of enterprise-class, web-based solutions to major creditors for debtor self-payment and self-settlement. Its industry-leading TrueCollect™ system allows major creditors to recover delinquent debts faster and more efficiently than any other solution on the market. TrueCollect™ integrates a broad set of features and service functionality, including total compliance with Federal and State laws governing web collections, and significantly increased security measures designed to thwart the cyber threats facing the debt collection industry. Apollo’s TrueCollect™ technology is protected by 13 U.S. and International Patents Pending, and several more patents are being applied for in the U.S. and other countries.